Paço dos Cunhas Vinha do Contador Grande Júri Nobre 2015 White signed by Osvaldo Amado and distributed by Vinalda.
It is in the town of Santar that you will find Paço dos Cunhas, a 17th century property (1609) and an example of how generous Nature knows how to be. Paço dos Cunhas has always been linked to agricultural production: wines have always been produced in this house, which makes it one of the oldest agricultural and wine-growing properties in the Dão region. At Paço dos Cunhas you can breathe tradition in every corner, but here the most modern and advanced technologies are used to continue the work started 400 years ago: producing high quality wine.
Known as “the pearl of Dão wine tourism”, Paço dos Cunhas, in Santar (16 km from Viseu), whose construction dates back to 1609, is an unparalleled space, one of the most prestigious wine tourism units in Portugal. Special and noble, with a very valuable collection of ancient art pieces and centuries-old architecture, it is surrounded by palatial gardens and includes one of the most emblematic vineyards in the region, Vinha do Contador.